Managing the energy of the air conditioning systems using a modified multi-variable control technique
Authors: Khaled M. K. Pasha
Volume 8, Issue 1, Paper No. 080102
This research is a continuation of our previous work [19], in which, I’ve investigated many control techniques for the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) control systems for air conditioners. In the present work, I’ve suggested another control technique which exhibited better performance in the cases where permanent disturbances are present. I’ve applied the technique to a model room that simulates a computer room and is conditioned by a simple, less expensive, and energy-saver HVAC system. The two control inputs are; the opening angle of a fresh air gate and the steam flow rate from a humidifier. The two controlled outputs are the temperature and humidity. The control technique and the in-door conditions are simulated using a written program that works along with a commercial code. The sampling interval for each controlled variable is modified to allow more accuracy for measured data. When applying accidental and permanent disturbances in both controlled variables, the suggested technique exhibited accepted performance. The controlled variables that are affected with permanent disturbances achieved their set-point values after longer time intervals than those of the cases where only accidental disturbances are present. Two comparisons were made between the controlled and uncontrolled system by operating the system for a certain period, and fixing the fresh air opening at 25% and 50% of the full opening area. The consumed energy in the two cases was compared with that of the case when applying the control technique for the same period. An energy-saving of about 15.3% was recorded in the first case and about 37.6% for the second case. The present technique is a case-independent and may be applied to any MIMO control system with little modifications.
Keywords: HVAC, Energy, Management, Multivariable.