Heat and mass transfer modeling during laminar condensation of non-cryogenic downward fluids flow in a small vertical tube
Authors: Youssef Belkassmi, Lahoucine Elmaimouni, Abdessamade Rafiki, Kamal Gueraoui, Najem Hassanain
Volume 7, Issue4, Paper No. 070401
The purpose of this paper is to investigate mass and heat transfer in the process of film condensation of vapor-air mixture for non-cryogenic fluids flow in a small vertical tube. A two-phase mathematical model is developed to model the mixture and liquid film. The governing equations for mixture and liquid-film have been resolved using a numerical method. Furthermore, this phenomenon analyzed is linked to a steady-state. Therefore, the development of numerical codes allows us to investigate the effect of implicated parameters on this phenomenon. Ethanol and methanol as non-cryogenic typical working fluids are realized for a good understanding of the heat and mass transfer mechanism during condensation. In this way, several effects of influencing parameters were examined. The predicted results showed a good agreement with experimental data.
Keywords: Condensation; Heat transfer; Mass transfer; Fluid flow; Vertical tube; Non-cryogenic fluids.