Energetic performance investigation of ejector air conditioning cycles using the environment friendly gas R161 (Fluoroethane) as substitute to the phase-out R22(Chlorodifluoromethane)

Authors: Youcef Maalem, Hakim Madani 

Volume 11, Issue 2, Paper No. 110201


  The present research aims to conduct a comparative examination between two refrigerants, the phase-out R22, and the new eco-friendly R161. They were used in two different ejector air conditioning cycles (Standard ejector cycle (SEC) and Modified ejector cycle (MEC)) under a wide range of working conditions.

  A numerical simulation has been carried out with MATLAB simulation code through the thermodynamic energy analysis to explore various thermodynamic performances ((primary (mpf) and secondary (msf) mass flow rate), entrainment ratio (μ), pressure lift ratio (PLR), refrigeration effect (Q), compressor work (W) and coefficient of performance (COP)) of SEC and MEC working with both refrigerants under the same operating temperatures (condensing temperature (Tcond) varies from (30 to 55) °C and evaporating temperature (Tevap) varies from (-10 to 10) °C).

  The tests show that under the same given operating temperatures, the (mpf  and msf), COP, μ and PLR of R161 are close to those obtained with R22 in both cycles. Moreover, it has been proved that MEC has a higher Q and COP than SEC. On the other hand, the thermodynamic analysis revealed that as Tcond increases, (msf, µ, Q and COP) decreases, and (mpf, PLR and W) increases. However, as Tevap increases, the (msf, µ, Q and COP) increases and (mpf, PLR and W) decreases. Overall, the simulated results confirm that R161 can be useful for air conditioning applications and can serve as a good alternative for the phase-out R22.

Keywords: Eco-friendly R161; Phase-out R22; Air-conditioning cycles; Thermodynamic analysis; Operating temperatures; Energy performances.

 110201 Youcef

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